
New browser from Google

Surprisingly google released its browser(Chrome) with all are thinking of IE8 (No exception for me also)
It is 7MB when compare to IE8 where it is 16MB almost double in size to chrome.

The release says that it is interesting future is popup handler, where all the popup of a tab are handled with convenient manner i.e., all popup of a tab are hidden on a bottom line of that tab you can move the cursor to there and you can select if you wish a popup to be opened.

As to days websites are turned into as applications the browser responsibilities are increased. We never expected that we do chat online, play web-based game when we start with websites and the browsers of those days are not being valid for today’s latest applications. I hope that you will agree with this point particularly.
We tired with annoying popup windows and may clode to fear to open new sites if it the browsers not capable to handle them. Browsers should be stable while we are writing or editing mails,docs and they should load the WebPages faster to feel our experience in good mode.
User interface and security are the key factors.

Browser should handle JavaScript effectively
Google says it has taken all the new things happening in the net world and Chrome is an open source project and code is available for developers to develop and add their own API’s to the Chrome.

Google has considered the apple’s safari weskit and mozilla to do the Chrome .But Chrome is now only for Windows only!
And as like IE8 Chrome also provides privacy option if you don’t wish your browsing history to be seen by others.
Let us see how this will change things in browser developments.
if you wish you can get it from the link provided in your google search engine homepage (bottm line of search text entry field th link provided).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


thank you for your nice information.
But I think Chrome is a cousin of opera(try it!),ofcourse Chrome is unique of its "popup handler".
I think google lies by saying that adopted some useful things from mozilla ,webkit as actually it is adopted from opera.